Islands and obsessions…

Iceland in June

Iceland in June

We (the husband, boy and I) have tended to favor islands for the “where do you want to go” dinner table conversation. And it’s played out some in our actual travels. The only two overseas places the boy has been are Australia (hell yeah, we’re awesome parents) and Iceland (like I said). Both trips were equal parts life-changing (in the best possible way), exhausting (again, in the best possible way), and expensive (there’s no good way to spin this). Cue up the Dos Equis guy voice, ‘We don’t make a lot of money, but when we do make money, we spend it on [apparently island] vacations’. The island theme may be running its course, though, since the boy’s latest obsession appears to be Brazil (for the diamonds, not the World Cup), which is not an island, but is surely expensive. Mine is still Iceland – what was supposed to be the cure just turned out to further fuel the affliction. We don’t usually return to the same place (revisit the About page and combine that with the Dos Equis-esque sentiment above for explanation), so I’ll have to find some other way to cope with my Iceland problem. Maybe the boy will grow up, go to Brazil, actually find diamonds, and then give me some. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure could buy some epic vacations.

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