Hot Tamales and Good & Plenties…

good and plentyWhile you will never see me post anything ever that suggests that healthy food prepared well tastes anything other than completely wonderful, there is also candy. Surely every human has their weakness when it comes to crap food. The stuff that you eat too much of even though you know it’s crap and will make you feel terrible almost immediately, but have absolutely no willpower to resist. For me, that’s Hot Tamales, black licorice, and Oreos. Not all at once. … Ok sometimes all at once. I admit to binging on this stuff so hard I get nauseated, chasing it with refreshing, wholesome veges thinking “Ah, that’s better”, and then with my palate successfully cleansed, digging right back into the candy box. And after it’s through, surveying the wreckage and feeling ill, thinking “I’ve totally learned my lesson this time”. But of course I don’t. A more realistic expectation – here’s to hoping that we can make up for it with lots of veges and butt-crack-o-dawn runs. Tomorrow. It’s on.


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