Logical Fallacies and Hobby Lobby

I learned a lot from the SCOTUS decision on the Hobby Lobby case that was published earlier this summer. 1) There were a couple of really fun and interesting logical fallacies in play in the arguments put forth by the company-person, not that it matters (see #3) 2) It’s apparently considered douche-y to use the Latin…

Islands and obsessions…

We (the husband, boy and I) have tended to favor islands for the “where do you want to go” dinner table conversation. And it’s played out some in our actual travels. The only two overseas places the boy has been are Australia (hell yeah, we’re awesome parents) and Iceland (like I said). Both trips were…

First post…

This is it. The first post. It’s about all I can muster this time. Generally speaking, not a fan of blogs. Or complete sentences. The husband and boy are playing a new board game in the other room, and while it seems really lame from what I can hear from my perch on the couch,…